This is the first project where I have gone in the exact direction that I planned to. I don’t know if it was the time constraint or that I really connected with my idea, but it all worked out. I definitely had a lot of fun with the project, and I definitely think it’s because I created something I have strong opinions about. My weaknesses for this assignment were the gif making and lack of a theme (visual wise). Making the gif requires patience, since it is a time-consuming process, and it did not overall come easy to me. I also tried sticking to a consecutive theme but found it hard to do that while keeping it alive and exciting. I ended up using multiple different backgrounds and colors. The one thing that I did keep consistent was the font which I think ties it all together. In the beginning, I was struggling with the fact that I did not have a story, but I decided to leave it at that. This webventure is created for humor and educational purposes. As long as people have fun going through my site and it opens their eyes to something they did not think of before, I consider it a success. I also struggled with adding an easter egg so I decided on adding random one’s throughout that included an image that stuck out so that people can click on. Coming up with different questions came easy but organizing it in a way that made sense was the challenging part. I just thought of my own life and added prompts that I could relate to or believe is a stereotype of the Arab world. I think that this was the most fun projects this semester!
