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Project #3 Final Artist Statement

Writer: Zahra BehbehaniZahra Behbehani

In this project I stuck to my promise to make sure to make this process enjoyable. In the beginning I procrastinated and started a little later than intended because of the initial intimidation. Out of all the skills we have learned throughout the semester in class, I think animation is the one that needs the most work, but none the less I had fun with it. I constantly was reminding myself that no one is looking for perfection, but for entertainment and effort. The filming part with my friends was the most fun I had throughout. I didn’t have a very clear picture-perfect idea of the plot but when I was with my friends, things flowed naturally. We decided to base the story off of something that really happened. One of my friends ate pizza that was her roommates and there was a small argument because of that. We decided to take that same situation but change it into a more lighthearted situation. Not only did I want to make the animation funny, but I wanted the characters real personalities to shine through the short film. So without a script, I laid out the plot for them and we just went with it. My strengths for this project were the filming part and putting all the clips in the end. The part I struggled with was the animation part but at the end it really came together. I believe using my friends as the characters instead of random characters from google added to the plot and the originality of it all. I also think adding the right music to certain clips really added to the cinematic effect and tied it all together.



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